Thursday, August 25, 2016

A Surgeon's Musings- Thoughts to be shared

                                             A Surgeon's Musings- Thoughts to be shared

             A Surgeon’s Musings- Thoughts to be shared

Dear Viewers,

               Greetings from Surgical Educator.

1. You know I have launched the YouTube channel “Surgical Educator” mainly to teach surgery to UG medical students. However, I feel this channel should be useful to all those who are having an interest in Surgery.

2. I am creating and uploading quality videos on A. General surgery- Violet thumbnails B. Pediatric surgery- Green thumbnails C. Trauma Surgery- Red thumbnails and D. Few operative surgery.

3. In General surgery, I want to cover the entire UG curriculum. My plan is to create videos based on the 18 core clinical problems- which I have mentioned in all my introductory videos for each clinical problem.

4. So far, I have created and uploaded 26 videos- 6 on Scrotal Swellings, 5 on Groin Swellings, 3 on upper GI Hemorrhage, 2 on Trauma Surgery, 8 on Pediatric Surgery, 3 on Obstructive Jaundice and 1 trailer video.

5. I sincerely wish these videos to reach as many medical students as possible. I am happy to inform you that this channel has already crossed the landmark of 20,000 hits and 900 subscriptions with the support of viewers from all over the world. It is having a snowball effect- as the number of videos uploaded is increasing, corresponding to that, the number of viewers per day is also steadily increasing.

6. In all my videos, I try to maintain quality content to make it a highly valuable learning material. However, you know “To err is human”. So, if you find any unintentional error in my videos, kindly give your feedback in the YouTube comment box.

7. I also solicit all my viewers to give your valuable suggestions to improve the channel “Surgical Educator” to the next level.

8. I need feedback regarding the topics covered, length of the videos, quality of the video & audio, my language & voice clarity and the overall usefulness of these videos.

9. You can watch all my surgical teaching video casts in the following links.

10. I promise to create and upload quality surgical teaching videos consistently. Thank you for your support.


Saturday, August 20, 2016

BILIARY ATRESIA/ Obstructive Jaundice/ Pediatric Surgery

                                BILIARY ATRESIA/ Obstructive Jaundice/ Pediatric Surgery


Dear Viewers,
                Greetings from “ Surgical Educator”
                Today I have uploaded a video on one of the congenital causes for obstructive jaundice- Biliary Atresia. In this episode, I am discussing about the etiology, types, clinical features, investigations, treatment and surgical outcome of Biliary Atresia. I hope you will enjoy the video. You can watch all my surgical teaching video casts in the following link:


       thanks for watching this video. I hope you enjoyed it. Kindly post your feedback.

Tuesday, August 16, 2016


                                           CHOLEDOCHOLITHIASIS- Obstructive Jaundice


“Dear viewers, today I have uploaded a video on Choledocholithiasis one of the main causes for Obstructive Jaundice. In this episode, I have discussed the etiology, clinical features, complications, investigations and management of Choledocholithiasis.  I have also included a mindmap and 2 algorithms for Choledocholithiasis. I hope you will find it very useful and interesting.


 Thanks for watching this video. Stay logged in to watch other videos on Obstructive Jaundice.


                                        OBSTRUCTIVE JAUNDICE- Introduction


In this episode, I am talking about introduction to Obstructive Jaundice. I am discussing about the various causes of Obstructive Jaundice, anatomy of biliary tract, physiology of jaundice, labs in obstructive jaundice and an algorithm to diagnose the various causes for obstructive jaundice. In the subsequent slides I will discuss about the individual causes in detail.


     Thanks for watching this video. Stay logged in to watch other videos on Obstructive Jaundice


                                               UPPER GI HEMORRHAGE- Non- Variceal


Dear viewers, this week I have uploaded a video on Upper GI Hemorrhage- Non Variceal Hemorrhage. This is the second video on Upper GI Hemorrhage.In this video I am talking about the Non-Variceal Hemorrhage- how to diagnose and manage this challenging acute surgical problem. I request you to watch both videos together. You can access this video in the following link: also.

 Hope you enjoyed the video. Kindly give your feed back.


                                          UPPER GI HEMORRHAGE- VARICEAL


Dear viewers, this week I have uploaded a video on Upper GI Hemorrhage- Variceal Hemorrhage. I am presenting Upper GI Hemorrhage in two videos. In this video I am talking about the Variceal Hemorrhage- how to diagnose and manage this challenging acute surgical problem. I hope you will enjoy this video.  You can access this video in the following link: also.


Thanks for watching this video. Stay logged in to watch non-variceal causes for Upper GI hemorrhage

UPPER GI ENDOSCOPY- A Pictorial Overview

                                   UPPER GI ENDOSCOPY- A Pictorial Overview


Dear viewers, this week I have uploaded a video on Upper GI endoscopy. In this episode, I showed only the endoscopic features of common pathologies in esophagus, stomach and duodenum. I restricted my talk to the essential minimum that an undergraduate medical students must know about the upper GI endoscopy. I discussed about the diagnostic and therapeutic procedures you can do with the upper GI endoscopy. I hope it will be interesting and very useful to all my viewers. You can access this video in the following link: also.


    Hope you enjoyed the video. Please stay logged in to watch two more videos on Upper GI hemorrhage.


                                                            VENTRAL HERNIAS


Ventral hernias are peritoneal outpouching through anterior abdominal wall defects except groin hernias. In this episode I talked about epigastric, umbilical, incisional, spigelian and lumbar hernias.I hope it will be interesting and very useful to all my viewers.


    Thanks for watching this video. I hope you enjoyed the videos on Groin Swellings. Kindly give your feedback.

UNDESCENDED TESTIS- Groin Swellings/ Pediatric Surgery

                              UNDESCENDED TESTIS- Groin Swellings/ Pediatric Surgery


Undescended Testis is the arrest of descend of testis in it's normal path of descend. Testis may be palpable in groin or impalpable that is intra abdominal testis. If there is palpable groin testis you have to do Inguinal orchiopexy. If it is impalpable intra abdominal testis and if it is near internal ring you can do single stage Laparoscopic Fowler Stephen's operation. If it is high intra abdominal testis you can do staged Fowler Stephen's operation or micro vascular auto transplantataion.


 Thanks for watching the video. Stay logged in to watch one more video on Ventral hernia and give your feedback.

FEMORAL HERNIA- Groin Swelling

                                            FEMORAL HERNIA- Groin Swelling 


Femoral hernia is the third most common hernia after inguinal and incisional hernias. The swelling in the groin will be below and lateral to pubic tubercle. It is more common in females and more prone to strangulation also. In this episode I discussed the etiology, special types, clinical features, treatment and post op complications in detail. I used algorithm and mindmap to reinforce the knowledge.


     Thanks for watching this video. Stay logged in and watch two more videos on Groin Swellings.

INGUINAL HERNIA- Groin Swellings

                                        INGUINAL HERNIA- Groin Swellings


Inguinal Hernia- is one of the common problems in surgery. All medical students must know everything about this common surgical problem. In this video, I have explained everything about this lesion in detail. It should be very helpful to those students doing their surgical clerkship rotation.

 Thanks for watching this video. Kindly stay logged in to watch my other teaching videos and give your feedback.


                                                   GROIN SWELLINGS- Introduction


Groin swellings is one of the common problems in surgery. The main causes are Inguinal hernia, Femoral hernia and Undescended testis. You can diagnose all these problems by history and physicals. In this video, I discuss the applied anatomy of groin region.


      Thanks for watching this video. Stay logged in to keep on watching the other videos on Groin Swellings.

Monday, August 15, 2016


                                    VESICO-URETERIC REFLUX/ Pediatric Surgery  


VUR is retrograde flow of urine from urinary bladder into ureter. Almost 30 to 50% of children with UTI will be having some underlying problem especially Vesico-ureteric reflux. In this episode, I discussed the definition,etiology, pathogenesis, clinical features,grading, investigations and various treatment options. I hope you will enjoy the video.


           Thanks for watching the video. Stay logged in to watch my other videos.


                            ANORECTAL ANOMALIES- IMPERFORATE ANUS/ Pediatric Surgery


Anorectal anomalies are very common Pediatric surgical problem. Both female and male babies born with absent anal opening. This may be low type where rectum will open in the perineum- perineal fistula- in both sex. The high type in male babies open in urogenital tract and in female babies open into genital tract. Identifying the exact type of anomaly is important to plan the correct treatment. In this video I talked about how to identify the different types of anomalies and how to manage each type of these anomalies.


      Thanks for watching this video. Stay logged in to watch my other teaching videos.


                ESOPHAGEAL ATRESIA with TEF SURGERY VIDEO/ Pediatric Surgery 

In this video clip you will be seeing the open surgical procedure for immediate repair of Tracheo Esophageal Fistula. 


         Thanks for watching the video. I hope you enjoyed it.

ESOPHAGEAL ATRESIA With TEF/ Pediatric Surgery

                              ESOPHAGEAL ATRESIA With TEF/ Pediatric Surgery


Esophageal Atresia with Tracheo Esophageal Fistula is one of the challenging problems in Pediatric surgery. Baby presents with drooling of saliva and respiratory distress. Diagnosis can be confirmed by CXR with feeding tube in-situ which shows curled up feeding tube. In this video you will learn everything about this challenging problem.


 Thanks for watching the video. Stay logged in and keep on watching my other teaching video casts as well.

INTUSSUSCEPTION-/ Pediatric Surgery

                                          INTUSSUSCEPTION-/ Pediatric Surgery


Intussusception is common in infants. It can also occur in adults with some underlying pathology like Meckel's diverticulum, Submucosal polyp and non-hodgkin's lymphoma. It is characterised by pain abdomen, red-currant jelly stoll and sausage shaped mass in abdomen. In this video, you will learn everything you need to know about Intussusception.

      Thank you for watching the video. Stay logged in to watch my other teaching videocasts.




IHPS is one of the common pediatric surgical problems where the child will present with non bilious vomiting. You have to correct both dehydration and electrolyte imbalance before doing the corrective Ramstedt's pyloromyotomy. Here in this video you can learn all that you need to learn.


      I hope you enjoyed the video. Please stay logged in to watch other Pediatric surgical problems videos.

BURNS- Trauma

                                                            BURNS- Trauma


Burns is a preventable devastating injury. Early aggressive treatment can save many patients but prevention is better. In this video I am talking about everything you must know about Burns injury and it's management.


          Hope you enjoyed the video. Stay logged in to watch my other teaching videos.


                             ADVANCED TRAUMA LIFE SUPPORT- ATLS- Trauma

ATLS is the protocol developed by American college of surgeons to assess and manage trauma patients efficiently. All medical students and clinicians should know these protocols to manage trauma patients successfully. In this video I am discussing  overview of ATLS.


                Hope you enjoyed the video. Kindly logged on to watch the next video on Burns.


                                 TESTICULAR CARCINOMA- Scrotal Swellings


Testicular Carcinoma is the only cancer that occur in younger age group and it is also curable. It presents as painless progressively increasing swelling and diagnosed by USG scrotum. In this video I am talking everything about Testicular Carcinoma.

        I hope you enjoyed all six videos on Scrotal Swellings. If you watch all these videos, I am sure you will be confident enough to tackle them in your clinical practice. Thank you for giving me an opportunity to teach you through these teaching videocasts.

VARICOCELE- Scrotal Swellings

                                            VARICOCELE- Scrotal Swellings


Varicocele is a scrotal swelling with characteristic bag of worms feel.
It is more common on Lt side and associated with infertility. In this video I am talking everything you must know about Varicocele.

         I hope you enjoyed the video. Kindly stay logged in to watch the last video on Scrotal Swellings.

EPIDIDYMAL CYST- Scrotal Swellings

                                        EPIDIDYMAL CYST- Scrotal Swellings


Epididymal cyst is a scrotal swelling which won't attain big size like Hydrocele. It resembles like presence of third testis. Transilluminant with characteristic Chinese lantern apperance. In this video I am discussing about epididymal cyst in detail. 

     I hope you enjoyed the video. Please stay logged in to watch two more videos on Scrotal Swellings. Thank you.

Sunday, August 14, 2016

TORSION TESTIS- Scrotal Swellings/ Pediatric surgery

                                            TORSION TESTIS- Scrotal Swellings

                      In this video I am talking about acute painful Scrotal Swelling- Torsion Testis. I have discussed a classical clinical vignette, etiology, types, clinical features, differential diagnosis, investigations and management of Torsion Testis.


I hope you enjoyed the video. Keep logged on to watch 3 more videos

HYDROCELE- Scrotal Swellings

                                                        HYDROCELE- Scrotal Swellings


  In this video, I am talking about one of the common causes of Scrotal Swellings- Hydrocele. I have discussed a classical clinical vignette, causes, pathology, clinical features, complications and management of hydrocele in both adult and pediatric patients. I have also included a mindmap, an algorithm and a tabular column on hydrocele.

  I hope you enjoyed the video. Please keep logged on to watch 4 more videos on Scrotal Swellings.

Saturday, August 13, 2016



I will be uploading 6 videos on Scrotal Swellings. In this first introductory video, I am talking the various causes of scrotal swellings, applied anatomy of scrotum and testis and an algorithm to clinch the correct diagnosis. In subsequent 5 videos, I will be talking about one pathology in each video.

I hope you enjoyed this video. Stay logged on to watch all six videos on Scrotal Swellings. 

SURGICAL EDUCATOR- Surgical Teaching Videocasts


"Surgical Educator" is a You Tube channel to teach Surgery for undergraduate medical students. This contain series of Surgical teaching Video casts. These videos contain Problem oriented case based teaching so that all who watch, will have total immersive learning experience. This will be very useful to those who are doing their Surgical clerkship rotation. My aim is to transfer quality knowledge through innovative delivery mechanism and technologies.

I request all those who want to learn basics of Surgery, especially the undergraduate medical students doing their surgical clerkship rotation to utilise this youtube channel to learn Surgery. The link is :